A kit that could help you survive a disaster
Posted by Triveni Shankar on
No matter how prepared you are, you will never be prepared enough for a disaster. Your house/office might be located in a place that has never been hit with floods, earth-quakes, storms etc. but that does not mean you do not prepare for what could one day happen.
In this day and age, everyone wants to stay at least one step ahead of everything. So, why not take lead in this situation as well and prepare a tentative disaster survival kit. Not because you think something bad is to come, but because it is always better to be prepared.
Listed below are a few items that you could tentatively need during a disaster:
Flash lights/candles: These come in handy at all times. Have a few extra batteries for the flash light
First-aid kit: Having a basic first-aid kit in your house is indispensable. Not just for disasters but have it ready for your house as well
Lighters/match sticks: Having a lighter or a dry match stick could keep your entire family warm. Make sure to put match sticks in a reusable plastic bag to keep it dry
Whistle: To draw attention towards you
Dust mask: To help filter the contaminated air
Toiletry kit: Create a small toiletry kit for your personal hygiene requirements
Garbage bags: These could come in handy i most situations
Local maps: During natural calamities detecting your location could be quite difficult
Water: Store a few litres per person for at least 3 days
Food: Store non-perishable food for 3 days according to the number of people
Cell-phone, charger/solar charger: Though, it is difficult to get network, if you are lucky you might get through to someone
Can opener: This could be a saviour if you have canned food
Clothing: Extra pairs of clothing for atlas 3 days for each person of your family
Cash: Stash some cash away in a plastic bag
Contact book: Make a note of all the numbers that could come in handy during a natural disaster
Prescription drugs: Keep supplies for at least 3 days
Non-prescription drugs: Tablets for a stomach upset, body pain, diarrhea, head aches, fever, cold and cough should be kept at hand
Personal products: An extra pair of sunglasses, lens solution, contact lenses, a watch etc. anything that you would find useful during a disaster
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