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zenith nutrition hairfab-60 capsules

Zenith Nutrition HairFab-60 Capsules

Zenith Nutrition

  • Rs. 1,920.00

Role of HairFab™

(a) HairFab™ StimulatesHair Growth Contains: Biotin Calcium Panthothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid,Pyridoxine, Vitamin B12, Para-aminobenzoic acid, (PABA) methyle SulfonylMethane (MSM) Antioxidants (Vitamins E & C, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese,Copper), Chromium

  • Thickens HairBiotin is important for hair health, including hair growth; this is because itis utilized in cell. In fact, biotin also helps thicken the hair stands
  • Folic acid andpyridoxine are essential for the hair, and their deficiencies lead to hairloss. Folic acid is needed for cell renewal so as to enable hair growth.
  • Vitamin B12also Stimulates hair growth; it is required for normal hair growth anddevelopment. (iv) PABA has usually been given along with biotin, pantothenicacid and folic acid for stimulating hair growth. (v) MSM provides sulphur whichis main componet of hair structure.
  • By maintainingintact immune mechanisms, antioxidant vitamins (E & C) and antioxidantminerals (zinc, selenium, manganese, copper) facilitate the utilization ofproteins and this helps the growth of hair. (vii) For hair structure, chromium is one of the essential elements,besides iron, magnesium and other minerals.
  • Pantothenicacid and niacin are especially important for growth of hair.

 (b)INCREASES BLOODFLOW: Niacin, Vitamins E & C, Potassium, Iron.

  • Niacin, and notnicotinamide, helps in blood flow to the hair follicle.
  • Vitamins E &C also increase circulatin and are very essential for hair growth. Vitamins Cmaintains the capaillaries that ferry blood to the hair follicle whilst Eincreases oxygen uptake by the red blood cells (RBCs)
  • Potassium alsoregulates circulation and promotes healthy hair growth.
  • Iron isnecessary for the hemoglobin synthesis in RBCs and is thus vital for oxygentransport to hair.


By regulating thyroidhormone, the iodine in potassium iodide prevents dry hair and thereby hairloss.


  • Choline andinositol are both essential for hair metabolism. For providing optimal benefitthe choline : inositol concentration ratio is 4:1.
  • Inositoldeficiency is particularly blamed for the twice fast hair loss in men incomparison to women.


(i)Copper preventshair loss as well as defects in hair colour & structure. (ii) Magnesium (with calcium) works to facilitate healthy hair growth.

(f)HASTENS HAIRGROWTH: Manganese It prevents slow hair growth.

(g) STRENGTHENS HAIR:Silicon  It is known to make the hairstrong.

(h)SUPPLE &ELASTIC HAIR: Selenium It besides its known antioxidant benefit, makes the hairsupple and elastic.

(i)SHINING HAIR :Zinc For the sheen (Shines when light falls on it) of hair zinc is vital.

(j) PREVENTS HAIRLOSS: Iron, Chromium, Copper, Inositol, PABA, Thiamine, Riboflavin

(k) Anemia issynonymous with hair loss on account of inadequate oxygenation. Iron isrecommended as carbonyl iron since it provides highest elemental iron content.

  • Chromiumprevents hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia as well; both these latter conditions otherwiseaffect the health of hair. Chromium as polynicotinate compound is preferredsalt since it is safer than chromium picolinate.
  • Copper alsoprevents hair loss.
  • Inositol reduceshair falling from root.
  • PABA preventshair loss by protecting the hair follice.
  • Thiaminediminishes hair loss.
  • Riboflavinalso prevents hair loss by checking dandruff.

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